XML/IDEF3-Based Training

KBSI defined a neutral format for capturing, organizing, and sharing process-related knowledge that is based on the Integrated Definition family of Methods and the eXtended Markup Language (XML).  Using this standard, KBSI developed an advanced authoring tool-kit for situation-based, process-centric computer-based training systems.

Because processes are central to the operation of all aspects of an organization, most decision-making applications and implementation solutions deal with the capture, specification, representation, and manipulation of process-related information.  This information may in turn be used to support business process re-engineering, workflow systems development, and a wide range of training needs.  Since these application domains require the same process information, process knowledge capture for one application should easily support other purposes.  Yet, sharing and reusing process knowledge across applications remains an unrealized vision.  The need for standards to capture, represent, share, and display process-related information is particularly important in training applications.  Process-centered training provides students with the most reliable approach for understanding, internalizing, and applying new concepts.

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On Demand Simulation Support (ODSS)

ODSS is a system for creating and applying simulation modeling in depot management decision support.  ODSS uses a hybrid discrete-event/rule-based simulation engine, providing support for optimizing plans, schedules, situation response, and process designs.

The goal of this initiative was to design, build, and deploy an On Demand Simulation Support (ODSS) system prototype within the depot-MRO domain.  The ODSS prototype (referred to as the Virtual Planning Wizard – VPW), developed and tested using shared facility data from the paint and strip area at the Oklahoma City Air Logistics Center (OC-ALC), has demonstrated the effectiveness of the ODSS technology for the rapid creation and application of simulation modeling for depot management decision support.

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