Geospatial Three Dimensional Topology Model (3DTGIS)

3DTGIS provides an innovative 3D topology-based, non-manifold representation approach that enables the ability to integrate a solids modeling capability with COTS Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to improve battlefield decision making.

“Long experience indicates that, all else being equal, military practitioners and their civilian supervisors who purposely make geography work for them are winners more often than not, whereas those who lack sound appreciation for the significance of geography succeed only by accident.”

– John Collins, Military Geography: For Professionals and the Public

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Raster 2D to 3D Drawing

KBSI developed technology that demonstrated the feasibility of delivering inexpensive 3D equipment models using COTS software and a KBSI developed 3D model generation technology integrated into a session manager.  The R2 3D technology provides an inexpensive solution for creating 3D solid models from raster drawing.

Legacy data can be an asset or a liability, and managing it properly is important.  For the U.S. Navy, the backlog of manual drawings was becoming a serious problem with respect to logistic support, as most engineering projects involved incremental changes to, or the re-use of, components in existing designs.  Without technology to convert raster drawings to 3D product data models, this situation persisted for some time as over 50% of the new drawings were still being produced on paper.  In an effort to find a solution to this dilemma, the Navy sought the help of KBSI.  The result was the KBSI project entitled Raster 2D to 3D Drawing (R2 3D).

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Software Tool for Efficient Airspace Management (STEAM™)

The STEAM™ technology is a software system that applies robust support tools, data mining, and statistical methods to the intelligent management of special use airspace (SUA).

KBSI’s Software Tool for Efficient Airspace Management (STEAM™) combines a software system with robust decision support tools to enable special use airspace (SUA) scheduling agencies to efficiently manage airspace.  This SBIR initiative for Edwards Air Force Base, currently in Phase II, is developing the STEAM™ software system to enhance the Air Force’s SUA management.  The Federal Aviation Authority reserves a portion of airspace in the National Airspace System (NAS) for military training and testing in order to support the national objective of defense preparedness at all times.  Such airspace, known as SUA, segregates military activities from general aviation.  As a policy, the FAA wants the Department of Defense to promote as much as possible the joint use of SUA by military and civilian aircraft and the use of inactivated SUA by civilian aircraft while meeting all of its airspace requirements.

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Logistics Information Delivery System (LIDS)

The LIDS technology enables single-source access to logistic data in varying formats, media, and storage locations and provides efficient logistics data management and migration.  The technology gives shipboard maintenance personnel the means to access, manipulate, and manage distributed logistics data sources in support of systems maintenance activities.

The ever-expanding range of storage media, formats, and systems developed to provide shipboard access to maintenance information has resulted in a corresponding increase in the time spent accessing this information.  Shipboard maintenance personnel spend an inordinate amount of time searching for pertinent maintenance information, obtaining access to the information, determining its relevance and currency (e.g., applicability of the information to equipment with a particular configuration), and converting it to forms usable for maintenance–all time that could be more productively spent performing maintenance tasks.

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Raster to Parametric CAD (R2P CAD)

KBSI investigated and demonstrated the conversion of CALS Type I raster mechanical drawings to parametric vector format and to parametric 3D solid models, improving electronic commerce, competitive reprocurement, and maintenance for related systems.

This initiative investigated and demonstrated the conversion of CALS Type I raster mechanical drawings to parametric vector format and to parametric 3D solid models by leveraging KBSI’s “Vector to 3D” (3VD) technology.  Raster drawings consume storage space and network bandwidth, have a finite resolution, often suffer from poor image quality, and are expensive to maintain and edit.  These limitations impact electronic commerce, competitive reprocurement, and maintenance.

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Pathfinder is a comprehensive suite of technologies for life-cycle cost justification, cost/benefit analysis, integrated performance prediction, quantified trade-off analysis, and management decision-making for individual project selection, monitoring, and control.

Pathfinder, a KBSI-led effort in partnership with Texas A&M University (TAMU), focused on the design and development of a comprehensive suite of technologies for life-cycle cost justification, cost/benefit analysis, integrated performance prediction, quantified trade-off analysis, and management decision-making for individual project selection, monitoring, and control.  The goals of Pathfinder addressed the need for life-cycle costing in depot environments, where the operational benefits of acquiring and maintaining weapons systems must be continually balanced.

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