Cost Benefit Analysis Support Environment (CBASE)

KBSI developed and demonstrated a new integration-driven paradigm for cost benefit analysis.  The CBASE technology provides qualitative and quantitative methods for modeling problem situations, performing cost benefits analysis, validating cost analysis by simulation, generating alternative scenarios, and comparing cost benefits across scenario.

The first phase of the Cost Benefit Analysis Support Environment (CBASE) initiative focused on developing and demonstrating a new integration-driven paradigm for cost benefit analysis.  Throughout the CBASE research, KBSI used a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods for:

  • Modeling problem situations,
  • Performing cost benefit analysis,
  • Validating cost analysis by simulation,
  • Generating alternative scenarios, and
  • Comparing cost benefits across scenario.

The CBASE software’s flexibility makes it appropriate for use in legacy systems and as an open architecture for integrating commercial IDEF tools, simulation packages, and activity based costing (ABC) technologies.

Integration-driven Cost Benefit Analysis Paradigm

WebBanner_IMPRWORKLOADSCHEDPERF2The main goal of the CBASE Phase II initiative was to develop and demonstrate a novel integration-driven paradigm for the cost benefit analysis of C4 systems.  The overall project strategy was to integrate cost analysis techniques, such as ABC, with the Air Force IDEFØ function modeling and IDEF3 process modeling methods.  The main product of this effort was a software system:  the Cost Benefit Analysis Support Environment.  The project also accomplished several additional objectives:

  • Refined the CBASE requirements for application within the DoD application site.
  • Refined and completed the knowledge-based, cost benefit analysis algorithms and heuristics.
  • Developed the detailed design specifications for CBASE.
  • Built the demonstration version of CBASE.
  • Inserted, tested, and validated CBASE at the DoD application site.
  • Refined and hardened CBASE for commercial release.

CBASE is a powerful enabling tool for any organization engaged in CPI or BPR and yields benefits of lasting value for the government, industry, and scientific communities.  Potential CBASE application areas include C4 systems, logistics systems, manufacturing systems, service systems, capital budgeting, business re-engineering, project management, and strategic planning.