Software Tool for Efficient Airspace Management (STEAM™)

The STEAM™ technology is a software system that applies robust support tools, data mining, and statistical methods to the intelligent management of special use airspace (SUA).

KBSI’s Software Tool for Efficient Airspace Management (STEAM™) combines a software system with robust decision support tools to enable special use airspace (SUA) scheduling agencies to efficiently manage airspace.  This SBIR initiative for Edwards Air Force Base, currently in Phase II, is developing the STEAM™ software system to enhance the Air Force’s SUA management.  The Federal Aviation Authority reserves a portion of airspace in the National Airspace System (NAS) for military training and testing in order to support the national objective of defense preparedness at all times.  Such airspace, known as SUA, segregates military activities from general aviation.  As a policy, the FAA wants the Department of Defense to promote as much as possible the joint use of SUA by military and civilian aircraft and the use of inactivated SUA by civilian aircraft while meeting all of its airspace requirements.

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Logistics Information Delivery System (LIDS)

The LIDS technology enables single-source access to logistic data in varying formats, media, and storage locations and provides efficient logistics data management and migration.  The technology gives shipboard maintenance personnel the means to access, manipulate, and manage distributed logistics data sources in support of systems maintenance activities.

The ever-expanding range of storage media, formats, and systems developed to provide shipboard access to maintenance information has resulted in a corresponding increase in the time spent accessing this information.  Shipboard maintenance personnel spend an inordinate amount of time searching for pertinent maintenance information, obtaining access to the information, determining its relevance and currency (e.g., applicability of the information to equipment with a particular configuration), and converting it to forms usable for maintenance–all time that could be more productively spent performing maintenance tasks.

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Raster to Parametric CAD (R2P CAD)

KBSI investigated and demonstrated the conversion of CALS Type I raster mechanical drawings to parametric vector format and to parametric 3D solid models, improving electronic commerce, competitive reprocurement, and maintenance for related systems.

This initiative investigated and demonstrated the conversion of CALS Type I raster mechanical drawings to parametric vector format and to parametric 3D solid models by leveraging KBSI’s “Vector to 3D” (3VD) technology.  Raster drawings consume storage space and network bandwidth, have a finite resolution, often suffer from poor image quality, and are expensive to maintain and edit.  These limitations impact electronic commerce, competitive reprocurement, and maintenance.

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Pathfinder is a comprehensive suite of technologies for life-cycle cost justification, cost/benefit analysis, integrated performance prediction, quantified trade-off analysis, and management decision-making for individual project selection, monitoring, and control.

Pathfinder, a KBSI-led effort in partnership with Texas A&M University (TAMU), focused on the design and development of a comprehensive suite of technologies for life-cycle cost justification, cost/benefit analysis, integrated performance prediction, quantified trade-off analysis, and management decision-making for individual project selection, monitoring, and control.  The goals of Pathfinder addressed the need for life-cycle costing in depot environments, where the operational benefits of acquiring and maintaining weapons systems must be continually balanced.

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On Demand Simulation Support (ODSS)

On Demand Simulation Support (ODSS) is a system for creating and applying simulation modeling in depot management decision support.  ODSS uses a hybrid discrete-event/rule-based simulation engine, providing support for optimizing plans, schedules, situation response, and process designs.

The goal of this initiative was to design, build, and deploy an ODSS system prototype within the depot-MRO domain.  The ODSS prototype (referred to as the Virtual Planning Wizard – VPW), developed and tested using shared facility data from the paint and strip area at the Oklahoma City Air Logistics Center (OC-ALC), has demonstrated the effectiveness of the ODSS technology for the rapid creation and application of simulation modeling for depot management decision support.

A key facet of ODSS was the integration of a hybrid discrete-event/rule-based simulation engine (a version of this engine exists in the prototype) for execution within an advanced experiment management environment.  The VPW is targeted to be a “point-of-need” process and workload assessment tool that is useful by all levels of MRO management for optimizing plans, schedules, situation response, and process designs.

The main innovations achieved during this initiative include (i) a hybrid approach that combines multiple soft computing and knowledge discovery methods for self-adaptive simulation, (ii) a model-based approach that maximizes re-use of domain knowledge for rapid simulation model development and deployment, and (iii) a portal-compliant, distributed, plug-and-play software architecture that allows for mass customization and rapid deployment of ODSS tools in multiple application situations.

The benefits of the ODSS innovations to current and future OC-ALC/commercial depot process design and analysis initiatives are summarized in the following list.

  • Reduced Simulation Life-cycle Costs:  ODSS technology will significantly reduce the time, effort, and cost required to develop, deploy, and maintain simulation models.  This benefit will accrue through (i) rapid reconfigurability of simulations through the adaptive reconfiguration mechanisms and (ii) reduced costs of model maintenance through reconfigurability and through increased re-use of simulation life-cycle information at the domain and design levels over extended periods of time.  ODSS’s model-based approach to simulation development will enable future simulation practitioners to rapidly deploy simulations starting from libraries of domain and simulation models.
  • Simulation Agility:  ODSS will enable end users to rapidly and cost effectively reconfigure the simulation tool architecture in response to constantly changing problem needs and requirements.  This capability is achieved through ODSS’s reconfiguration mechanisms and model-based approach to simulation development, helping systems developers use simulation as a mechanism for responding rapidly to unpredictable changes in environments, customer needs, and requirements–true “simulation agility.”
  • Affordable, High-Performance Depot process:  The application of ODSS to the design of OC-ALC depot processes–in particular, the exploration of multiple depot process design options via ODSS’s simulation based analysis–will lead to the rapid deployment of cost-effective and high-performance depot processes.  The use of a simulation-based approach to depot process design and acquisition will allow users to effectively verify/validate depot process operations (and maintenance) early in the development life-cycle.  This will result in significantly reduced depot process life-cycle costs.

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Blood Availability & Safety Information System (BASIS)

The BASIS technology is a web-based application that enables the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to gather and analyze blood collection and usage information from civilian hospitals & blood centers.  The information helps DHHS establish policies and procedures for better blood resource management.

In addition to tracking and reporting on blood inventories, the BASIS technology also addresses a number of additional blood resourcing needs:

  • Support for emergency response,
  • Analysis of blood inventory excess and shortages to fa­cil­it­ate their optimal use,
  • Collaboration and communication among the various agents in the blood supply chain,
  • Proactive detection of blood supply chain problems before they become critical and notification of the relevant stakeholders, and
  • Analytical and reporting tools for blood supply managers to analyze, detect patterns, make correlations, and forecast future blood inventory requirements.

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Comprehensive Blood Supply Management

Effective emergency response requires more than getting equipment and personnel to the scene.  As important is determining what supplies are available and where they are available, as well as ensuring that required supplies are staged and deployed in a manner that meets the needs of the situation and any contingencies that might arise.  Providing this kind of responsiveness requires two important capabilities:  an awareness of what supplies are available, and the ability to communicate, easily and comprehensively, the status of those supplies.  As any supply chain manager will tell you, inventory planning and awareness is critical to successful emergency response.Continue reading

Biovigilance Reporting, Analysis, & Tracking

Most of the world’s industrialized nations have a comprehensive, national level biovigilance system that tracks events relating to blood transfusions and cell, tissue, and organ transplants, significantly improving the safety of these procedures.  The U.S., however, currently lacks such a biovigilance system to track and analyze routine blood and blood product related procedures.  In addition, in light of the current emphasis on national security, there is a critical need to analyze, in real-time, incidents of disease or safety issues to determine key performance metrics and trends, and to determine if the presence of these trends signal random events, possible outbreaks, or terrorist acts.Continue reading